Saturday, December 19, 2009

....already 8 interviews done!! last one on tuesday, as my exhibition will end and chritsmas holidays will began, I'm not going to make anything special , only read and rest.. I'm not a fun of this time, so it doesn't mean anything for me..I think I have a very interesting material to work with the spanish series.. all unknow persons for me, and how they could quickly get into a personal definition keeps surprising me.. I'll be unable to do so, probably because it's long time I really do not have any centred vision and I'm not feeling it interesting.. that's probably mature age.. one is out of the big ego issues.. anyway I had my first european with ethiopean origins, 15 years already here... slowness is part of his definition .. well I'm not sure if I'll write a lot these days as I plan to put my mind and time on rest mode.. so happy 2010!

Friday, December 11, 2009

...... days have been quiet, no exceptional news, a lot of reading, some mails.. and organizing interviews for next week when I'll began hidden identities the spanish side..
this week I'm having openings again :yesterday two, one today I think and in some minutes I'll go for an artTV interview so this friday is busy and I'm looking forward to the weekend..
let's hope something new will arrive soon... and soon I'll be working again.. even this december with chritsmas parties and so.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

... december and the cold weather arrived together, finally! I'm trying to gather informations and ways of asking for sponsorship for the Hidenn identities series, process , travelling, and production.. all very burocratic and long time spending on making it.. we´ll see, I asked for an interview with someone here at the arts council comission... maybe he can give other options too.
otherwise, I am adapting to days without stress and I'm normalising life with books, and some order at the house and in my priorities.. waiting for the interviews here that will began the week of the 14th..
.. and my soul is in the undefined space where is void before creation.. to soften myself.